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Yarrow and Comfrey


Featuring local beeswax and jojoba oil infused with yarrow and comfrey, our Yarrow + Comfrey Salve is the perfect companion for your gym bag. Also known as woundwort, yarrow’s antiseptic and styptic properties make it an effective aid for wounds and bruises. Comfrey is also known as woundwort and knitbone and has traditionally been used on sprains and bruises.

$ 20 
Ingredients /

jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, beeswax, shea butter, yarrow, comfrey, calendula, lavender, St. John's wort, copal resin, vitamin E oil

Description /

Adult use only. Do not use internally or near sensitive areas. Not FDA-approved.

How to use /

Apply to minor cuts, scrapes, bruises, or dry skin. Do not apply to open wounds. For best results, apply to minor bumps and bruises. Keep out of direct sunlight or intense heat—this will not hold up if you leave it in your car in the middle of summer in Texas (we may know this from experience).